Where to Play in Michiana
Pickleball continues to grow in Central Indiana and there are more places than ever before to play the Best. Sport. Ever. Whether you're looking for a place to play in Marion County or any of the surrounding counties, you're likely less than 20 minutes away from the closest courts!
Check out the map below from Places 2 Play to find the location closest to you. Happy pickleballing!

North Central Indiana Locations
(Please check each location for updated days/times)
Harris Township Park at Elm Rd
51520 Elm Road
4 outdoor courts
Central Park
930 E. 30th Street
South Bend, IN 46615
South Bend:
Gospel Center Church
930 E. 30th Street
South Bend, IN 46615
South Bend Racquet Club
4122 N. Hickory Road
Mishawaka, IN 46545
O'Brien Recreation Center
321 E. Walter St.
South Bend, IN 46614
Indoor Courts
The Beacon Resource Center
4210 Lincoln Way West,
South Bend, IN 46628

North Central Indiana Locations (cont.)
(Please check each location for updated days/times)
Eastlake Athletic Club
3400 Henke St.
Elkhart, IN 46514
Model Elementary School
412 S. Greene Rd.
Goshen, IN 46526
Indoor Play: Nov.-April/May
Outdoor Play: May-Oct.
For more info call Doug Friesen at (574)370-5487 or Goshen Park Dept. at (574)535-2901
Pickle Haus Pickleball
(Located on Das Dutchman Essenhaus Campus)
809 Wayne Street, private drive.
Middlebury, IN
3 Indoor Courts, Scheduled play by skill level, fall-spring
Court Reserve App-Elkhart County Pickleball Organization
Anita Yoder 574-202-1545
3215 W. Old US 30
Warsaw, IN 46580

Southern Michigan Locations
(Please check each location for updated days/times)
Redbud Fitness Center
500 East Third Street
Buchanan, MI 49107
Niles-Buchanan YMCA
905 N Front St.
Niles, MI 49120
Fireman's Park
320 Bell Rd..
Niles, MI 49120
Plym Park
401 Marmont St.
Niles, MI 49120